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41 to 50 of 136 Results
Network Common Data Form - 55.0 MB - MD5: e8921b73eeb4335565e9bfc3bc31c45a
Network Common Data Form - 787.9 MB - MD5: f8d99338996e1cd1d00b623989293d48
Network Common Data Form - 55.1 MB - MD5: be60fbdb001127bc758a4d2989beb85e
Python Source Code - 3.9 KB - MD5: 329b81d41e15f0025fcd8c3aff45bf16
Aug 10, 2021
Weisman, Richard, 2021, "Data associated with temporal variations of de facto wastewater reuse and disinfection by-products in public drinking water systems in the Shenandoah River watershed, USA",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:CU+yhu1HJqzj1CRF+PWmWA== [fileUNF]
This Excel file (comprising 5 tabs plus a ReadMe file) provides supplemental information for an article in Water Practice and Technology ( titled "Temporal variations of de facto wastewater reuse and disinfection by-products in public drinking water sys...
Tabular Data - 313 B - 1 Variables, 3 Observations - UNF:6:CU+yhu1HJqzj1CRF+PWmWA==
Data associated with temporal variations of de facto wastewater reuse and disinfection by-products in public drinking water systems in the Shenandoah River watershed, USA
Jul 28, 2021
Urgessa, Girum; Mendonca, Fausto; Rocco, Jose, 2021, "Experimental Records from Blast Tests of Ten Reinforced Concrete Slabs",, George Mason University Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:TZdbvL1bSeMZBcaYrLz4Gg== [fileUNF]
The data contains pressure, displacement, and acceleration measurements from ten reinforced concrete slabs subjected to blast. The tests were conducted at the Science and Technology Aerospace Department (DCTA) blast test site in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil. Note tha...
Adobe PDF - 209.2 KB - MD5: 38cf1a8692e9737209543a21634a454f
Tabular Data - 1.2 KB - 4 Variables, 28 Observations - UNF:6:YwnfftR5QfmPR/XS3qEDFQ==
Recorded data set download metrics from UNC Dataverse.
Feb 10, 2021
Smith, Shawn H.; Hessong-Brown, Jesi; Lipshutz, Sara E.; Phillips, Jennifer N.; Rochefort, Catherine; Derryberry, Elizabeth P.; Luther, David A., 2021, "Data for Long-term Changes in Plumage Between Urban and Rural Populations of White-crowned Sparrows",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:MRpZsvh/e59eAVzffkrBaA== [fileUNF]
This file contains the plumage coloration values collected from white-crowned sparrow museum specimens. The specimen were collected between 1895-1990.
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