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1 to 10 of 595 Results
Feb 26, 2024
Weinstein, Ali A; van Aert, R.C.M, 2023, "Meta-Analysis: Effects of Acute Exercise on General Mood",, George Mason University Dataverse, V2
The purpose of the present data (meta-analysis) was to quantify the effect size of the affective response to acute exercise and to identify factors that are associated with an enhanced or attenuated affective response to acute exercise. The uploaded are the extracted data from th...
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 107.1 KB - MD5: 11ed8cafd0646c00a88177de1dfdf16c
R Syntax - 17.7 KB - MD5: 0ca5765ea3af03db7cf51a2dfa0f0585
R Syntax - 18.0 KB - MD5: d1eabf2f2eec2bc08d15600b58bd9a08
R Syntax - 17.7 KB - MD5: bb0e860ed5739e9490057464caeb4a44
R Notebook - 63.3 KB - MD5: bdb804220c80b3b033019d086d994953
R Notebook - 66.5 KB - MD5: a575ee23b51fb884ed3a4e61fd59afc4
Nov 27, 2023
Malikov, Maxim; Tither, Emmy; Kobylarz, Brian; Berea, Anamaria; Trombly, Christopher, 2023, "The Bible and Natural Language Processing: Building a Corpus for Digital Scholars",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1
This corpus contains a cleaned and organized set of Bible texts in machine-readable format, with tags separating Bible books, chapters and verses. For each Bible, the canonical 66 books are included (from both Old and New Testaments), to allow for cross-referencing and comparison...
XML - 4.8 MB - MD5: e0608f5c736f79eabd032d01baf7652c
Aionian Bible
XML - 4.9 MB - MD5: f4ecf34476cdbb51fef29c2b906ddcbe
American King James Bible
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