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2,251 to 2,260 of 2,363 Results
MS Word - 15.4 KB - MD5: bb1e6fa4ad2367e6b0eb4614f61a54e1
How to use this replication package
Tabular Data - 1.9 MB - 90 Variables, 1979 Observations - UNF:6:04UenZ56pdI8VwYBClf4Zw==
Analysis data (CSV format)
Tabular Data - 2.0 MB - 90 Variables, 1979 Observations - UNF:6:7uzvtb5RFX0I86RIrfIK1w==
Analysis data (Stata format)
Stata Syntax - 7.8 KB - MD5: f35a5b6429b52596429aa17f5458806a
Main Stata analysis do-file
Tabular Data - 39.2 MB - 15 Variables, 464062 Observations - UNF:6:3yU6BchlHZk/+p0tBJCL7w==
Archive of dependent variable download
Stata Syntax - 2.4 KB - MD5: 074feab295c92e4ddaac580c1c54a5eb
Stata do-file to construct variables using Social Explorer data
Plain Text - 709.7 KB - MD5: e254b741a2b1c1b1c4abcd6841aae354
County adjacency file
Tabular Data - 267.8 KB - 8 Variables, 3141 Observations - UNF:6:Hubq7gjWL5juDdYaLR+TQA==
Commuting zone file
R Syntax - 7.6 KB - MD5: 7988d17dbbddf758f70b8ec683f5f523
R script to construct neighborhood networks and mobility-based disadvantage
Unknown - 119.3 KB - MD5: 6dc7753c273d007720f2be863e3ef0bd
Orange3 module for Classification Trees
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