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2,291 to 2,300 of 2,363 Results
Network Common Data Form - 787.9 MB - MD5: f8d99338996e1cd1d00b623989293d48
Network Common Data Form - 55.1 MB - MD5: be60fbdb001127bc758a4d2989beb85e
Python Source Code - 3.9 KB - MD5: 329b81d41e15f0025fcd8c3aff45bf16
Tabular Data - 313 B - 1 Variables, 3 Observations - UNF:6:CU+yhu1HJqzj1CRF+PWmWA==
Data associated with temporal variations of de facto wastewater reuse and disinfection by-products in public drinking water systems in the Shenandoah River watershed, USA
Adobe PDF - 209.2 KB - MD5: 38cf1a8692e9737209543a21634a454f
Tabular Data - 1.2 KB - 4 Variables, 28 Observations - UNF:6:YwnfftR5QfmPR/XS3qEDFQ==
Recorded data set download metrics from UNC Dataverse.
Plain Text - 1010 B - MD5: 18eb348f3ab0e9c8eb9ee9ab20c83310
This file contains Tab 2, figs crown.
Tabular Data - 9.9 KB - 24 Variables, 47 Observations - UNF:6:MRpZsvh/e59eAVzffkrBaA==
The original Excel spreadsheet contains two tabs. Tab 1 = plumage data breed only. Tab 2 = figs crown. This Tab file contains Tab 1.
Tabular Data - 448.4 KB - 3 Variables, 9580 Observations - UNF:6:IOul+nC+0qw6dPuORjwNcg==
Tabular Data - 911.9 KB - 9 Variables, 9179 Observations - UNF:6:LNXSeu5uJlppGgyUB8S+qw==
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