11 to 20 of 24 Results
Adobe PDF - 44.6 KB -
MD5: e5fc7cdf409af88bdda53343cd228526
Readme |
Oct 23, 2023 -
Replication Data for "The Mason-Alberta Phonetic Segmenter: A forced alignment system based on deep neural networks and interpolation"
Compressed Archive - 3.0 MB -
MD5: 9acf688c4867b034bfb77296f1515ae4
Oct 23, 2023 -
Replication Data for "The Mason-Alberta Phonetic Segmenter: A forced alignment system based on deep neural networks and interpolation"
Compressed Archive - 41.7 MB -
MD5: 22bccff875b3414f048ee53f2963647a
Oct 23, 2023 -
Replication Data for "The Mason-Alberta Phonetic Segmenter: A forced alignment system based on deep neural networks and interpolation"
Compressed Archive - 245.9 MB -
MD5: aad1b9d97eb50140984e00bcea8e4bd0
Oct 23, 2023 -
Replication Data for "The Mason-Alberta Phonetic Segmenter: A forced alignment system based on deep neural networks and interpolation"
Compressed Archive - 17.9 MB -
MD5: a62a85d53f4a318711c75682a16e6286
May 11, 2023 -
Road density, road features, and in-vehicle PM2.5 during daily trips taken by Washington, DC metro area commuters
Adobe PDF - 58.6 KB -
MD5: 182bf9d2eb1026696b42c040944be213
README file for roadden.csv |
May 11, 2023 -
Road density, road features, and in-vehicle PM2.5 during daily trips taken by Washington, DC metro area commuters
Tabular Data - 567.5 KB - 29 Variables, 2311 Observations - UNF:6:+x5TcYrmAs3MUZthKeXuRQ==
Dataset |
Jan 28, 2021 -
Temple Data: Jomon and Yayoi
Tabular Data - 10.4 KB - 10 Variables, 206 Observations - UNF:6:w5ZwHt1IqqUx2eGNrfg/vQ==
Jomon postcranial metrics. |
Jan 28, 2021 -
Temple Data: Jomon and Yayoi
Tabular Data - 5.1 KB - 9 Variables, 105 Observations - UNF:6:flruRYReoTTPJt1rg/eYQw==
Yayoi postcranial metrics. |
Jan 28, 2021 -
Temple Data: Jomon and Yayoi
Tabular Data - 5.3 KB - 18 Variables, 30 Observations - UNF:6:RbavUxcgkN2bCBUFKxhowA==
Jomon subadult femoral cross-sectional geometric properties (CSG). |