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2,331 to 2,340 of 2,363 Results
MS Word - 25.0 KB - MD5: f34baaefba1a98f70d7d1801bdfd617c
Data sharing document
Adobe PDF - 188.5 KB - MD5: 92ec1c1a3e2d42230381e01fa3e55820
Data sharing document
MS Word - 28.5 KB - MD5: 4f56d4f916a786c2e62bcc743a44c9ec
Year 1 codebook
Adobe PDF - 124.2 KB - MD5: 1d2a4c518ffbf876e197d06e25cac043
Year 1 codebook
Tabular Data - 22.2 KB - 31 Variables, 206 Observations - UNF:6:Xdi/TfdOVRdjfQScJOrBCw==
Year 1 results
Tabular Data - 20.2 KB - 29 Variables, 224 Observations - UNF:6:teRWp8LI+5AfFSR6NqiPag==
Year 2 results
Tabular Data - 21.0 KB - 11 Variables, 418 Observations - UNF:6:s2bOIzrcdDvwPsM5vUTsOQ==
Tabular Data - 21.6 KB - 10 Variables, 281 Observations - UNF:6:tl1GeSg0BHPooljZsDid5A==
MS Word - 14.6 KB - MD5: aeedce9522cb1572112b86993fe5e7f5
This file describes the data.
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