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2,431 to 2,440 of 2,441 Results
Plain Text - 3.0 KB - MD5: c4021a9bae67567f6344b9cab09da643
Read me file with variable name descriptions.
Jan 27, 2021
Roszkowski, Beth; Reynolds, Gretchen, 2021, "George Mason University Arlington Campus Library Instruction Survey",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:Avwt/aLvqODNbOOqRgSiEw== [fileUNF]
Data and survey instrument from an assessment of library instruction needs among graduate students in the social sciences at George Mason University's Arlington Campus.
Adobe PDF - 79.9 KB - MD5: 147a94a614243c994cf290a8ecd8fcc4
Codebook / readme file with variable name descriptions.
Tabular Data - 28.2 KB - 10 Variables, 191 Observations - UNF:6:p6h+3Ni7GogFJCnOLcTuMQ==
CSV Data File (responses to open-ended questions in survey)
Tabular Data - 9.6 KB - 3 Variables, 104 Observations - UNF:6:amPSRwih/lJ0JcuIQ7STJg==
CSV Data File (responses to "other" option in survey questions)
Tabular Data - 17.2 KB - 69 Variables, 191 Observations - UNF:6:t4v1oX2LTOBZf0ckX0Ch6w==
SPSS data file
Adobe PDF - 89.0 KB - MD5: 8d0b0b5742d82632111d5211ff7966b4
Survey instrument
Tabular Data - 17.2 KB - 69 Variables, 191 Observations - UNF:6:t4v1oX2LTOBZf0ckX0Ch6w==
CSV data file
Jan 26, 2021
Cari, Levy; Kheirbek, Raya; Alemi, Farrokh; Wojtusiak, Janusz; Sutton, Bryce; Williams, Arthur R; Williams, Allison, 2021, "Predictors of 6-Month Mortality Among Nursing Home Residents: Diagnoses May Be More Predictive than Functional Disability",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:+TC/4IA1FKQDtGQo0uHQLA== [fileUNF]
Plain Text - 0 B - MD5: 3af268127d7370e52fcf4082ce724d19
Data file description and analysis instructions.
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