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21 to 30 of 48 Results
Oct 9, 2023
Coddington, Charles, 2022, "Amazonian mixed-species flocks demonstrate flexible preferences for vertical forest structure",, George Mason University Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:T4DNyCa262v+EfEuE3lQ0g== [fileUNF]
These data were used for the study "Amazonian mixed-species flocks demonstrate flexible preferences for vertical forest structure". All necessary .csv files used to reproduce our statistical analyses and figures are included, as well as the R-script we used to generate them.
Sep 19, 2023
Xiao, Xuesu, 2023, "Multi-Modal Social Human Navigation Dataset",, George Mason University Dataverse, V6, UNF:6:C7YnX1YYIjX7P/FfxvxdMw== [fileUNF]
The Multi-Modal Social Human Navigation dataset (MuSoHu) includes ~50 km, 10 hours, 150 trials, 7 humans of egocentric social human navigation data collected using a suite of robotic sensors in the wild and allows future robots to learn socially compliant navigation from humans....
Aug 3, 2023
Slot, M. R.; Maximenko, Y.; Haney, P. M.; Kim, S.; Walkup, D. T.; Strelcov, E.; Le, Son T.; Shih, E. M.; Yildiz, D.; Blankenship, S. R.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Barlas, Y.; Zhitenev, N. B.; Ghahari, F.; Stroscio, J. A., 2023, "Replication Data for: A Quantum Ruler for Orbital Magnetism in Moiré Quantum Matter",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1
All experimental and theoretical data and code used to generate theoretical results contained in the main text and supplemental material file is contained in this archive. The archive consists of four main directories: 1. Figures_main and Figures_supplemental: These two folders c...
Mar 27, 2023
Cooper, William J, 2022, "Replication Data for: "Harmonizing spatial scales and ecological theories to predict avian richness and functional diversity within forest ecosystems"",, George Mason University Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:fFYy3Y8b0SvM3xJ5Zx2bbA== [fileUNF]
This folder provides all necessary scripts and data files to replicate results in "Harmonizing spatial scales and ecological theories to predict avian richness and functional diversity within forest ecosystems." Please see the folder structure below for details on each folder and...
Mar 12, 2023
Xiao, Xuesu, 2023, "Verti-Wheelers Datasets",, George Mason University Dataverse, V3
The Verti-Wheelers dataset contains human teleoperated demonstration of wheeled robots (Verti-Wheelers) driving through vertically challenging terrain. [Website] [Paper] [Video] [Datasets] [Code]
Jan 14, 2023
Coddington, Charles, 2022, "Avian breeding activity declines after forest fragment isolation",, George Mason University Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:oezaD80Wcm350MNn4m6Tzg== [fileUNF]
These data were used for the study "Avian breeding activity declines after forest fragment isolation". All necessary .csv files used to reproduce our statistical analyses and figures are included, as well as the R-script we used to generate them.
Jan 5, 2023
Coddington, Charles, 2023, "Forest structure predicts species richness and functional diversity in Amazonian mixed-species bird flocks",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:WM13QqYvZOf4Y9YQHDYImg== [fileUNF]
These data were used for the study "Forest structure predicts species richness and functional diversity in Amazonian mixed-species bird flocks". All necessary .csv files used to reproduce our statistical analyses and figures are included, as well as the R-script we used to genera...
Aug 22, 2022
Weinstein, Ali A, 2022, "Second victim experiences and moral injury as predictors of hospitalist burnout before and during the COVID-19 pandemic",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:h6WNUjYjYF9796rphKhg0g== [fileUNF]
Open data for publication: Second victim experiences and moral injury as predictors of hospitalist burnout before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Aug 9, 2022
Cassalho, Felicio, 2021, "ArcGIS Wave Transformation toolbox - ArcWaT",, George Mason University Dataverse, V3
The ArcWaT is a model-based GIS toolbox for estimating wave transformation from wave magnitude and direction model outputs.
Mar 3, 2022
Jafri, Saleet, 2022, "Replication Data for: Computational Modelling of Mitochondria to Understand the Dynamics of Oxidative Stress",, George Mason University Dataverse, V1
Fortran code for mitochondrial model
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